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International Down Syndrome Day: iute “wears” Down Syndrome Albania socks.


On International Down Syndrome Day iute Albania showed its commitment to social responsibility by offering support to the organization Down Syndrome Albania.

In support of this category with special needs, beyond the institution’s donation to the organization, the iute Albania staff itself bought a quantity of socks from Down Syndrome Albania, providing financial assistance for the organization’s valuable initiatives.

The organization Down Syndrome Albania plays a vital role in advocating for the rights and inclusion of individuals with Down syndrome in Albanian society. Through various programs and activities, the organization promotes awareness, acceptance and support for individuals with Down syndrome and their families.

By purchasing socks from Down Syndrome Albania, iute not only provided financial support, but also helped raise awareness of the importance of inclusion and support for individuals with Down syndrome. This is the reason why iute Albania invites any institution or company to “take a step in the socks of DSA”, to increase awareness of this unique cause.

Beyond empowering individuals through financial services and education, company representatives are committed to supporting the most sensitive social causes and communities.

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