Add Cash at Partners Stores close to you doorstep and Receive Money instantly from iute ATMs opened 24/7!
Create your account for FREE

Whether you’re Adding Cash to your Digital Wallet or want to receive cash, we have designed our services to make managing your money faster and simpler than ever.

Add Cash
We’ve eliminated the hurdles, so you can add your cash to Digital Wallet without the wait or the worry.



  • Adding cash to your Digital Wallet is FREE of charge


  • We offer wide network of Partners locations across all Albania


  • Cash is added to your Digital Wallet in the blink of an eye


  • Bring cash along with your ID to your selected partner location



Create account

How to Add Cash to your account?

  • 1

    Find the nearest iute Partner location

  • 2

    Bring your ID card or Passport and Cash with you 

  • 3

    Scan QR code placed in Partner location by using Myiute app

  • 4

    After scanning iute QR code, select from available services “Add Cash”

  • 5

    Hand over your identification document and the cash to the partner

  • 6

    Cash will arrive in your Digital Wallet instantly

Receive Money
We made Receiving Money simple to you! We have eliminated the hurdles, so you can receive money without the wait or the worry. 


  • Receive Money at iuteATMs 24/7 or iute Partners locations across Albania


  • To receive money in larger amounts and more comfort, use iute ATMs.


  • To receive a smaller amount of cash on the go, visit Partners locations and bring your ID with you.



Create account

How to Receive Cash in Partner Store?

  • 1

    Find nearest iute Partner location and bring your ID or Passport with you

  • 2

    Scan QR code placed in Partner location by using Myiute App 

  • 3

    After scanning iute QR code, select from available services “Receive Cash”

  • 4

    Hand over your ID document to the partner

  • 5

    The partner will confirm your identity and will hand over Cash to you

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We are here to help!

If you still need information, do not hesitate to write to us in the Chat box – to help you with any questions you may have.

How can I add cash to my digital wallet?

Adding cash just got easier! Find the iute partner that offers to add cash to the digital wallet.

  1. Make sure you have downloaded the Myiute app.
  2. Take the cash with you and your ID so we can identify you.
  3. Scan the QR code to start the process and add how much cash you want to add to your account.
  4. Hand the partner the ID and the cash.
  5. After that, adding cash to your digital wallet will be done successfully.


If you need help with activation, our support team is ready to help every step of the way.

How can I receive cash from my digital wallet?

You can receive money from the Digital Wallet at fast ATMs, active 24/7, or you can visit our partners stores.


Make sure you have downloaded Myiute App in both cases.

Scan the QR code you find at the ATM or partner store.

Follow the instructions.

Set the amount of cash you want to receive.

Take the cash.


Is there a commission for the service of adding or receiving cash?

Adding cash to the digital wallet is completely free. Regarding other transaction fees, click here and learn more.

Where is the best way to receive cash in large amounts?

Receiving of money 24/7 is possible only near iute ATMs. It is precisely this advantage that makes ATMs more suitable for withdrawing any amount, at any time of the day.

Can I visit partner stores without prior notice?

It may happen that the Partner does not have enough cash available at the time of the visit, so we suggest that fast ATMs are your first choice for receiving money, especially for large amounts. Partners are a good option for receiving and adding much smaller amounts of cash while on the go.

Why do I need to present my ID card or passport at partners stores?

We and our partners want to make sure that only you have access to your funds.

How can another person add cash to my digital wallet?

Another person cannot add cash to your digital wallet as it is important to us and you to prevent fraud. If another person wants to add cash, they can do so via Send Money feature.