With iute, managing your finances is easy!
Bank transfer
Send money from your iute Digital Wallet to other financial institution within Albanian territory.
How can I send money from iute Digital Wallet to my bank account?
If you already have an account in Myiute, go to Wallet section
Choose the option to “Use money”
Select bank transfer and add your bank account details and the amount would like to send yourself
Money will be available in your account within 3 days
Bank transfer
Add money to iute Digital Wallet from other financial institutions within Albanian territory.
How can I add money to iute Digital Wallet?
Open your existing internet bank and choose local transfer
Fill in the payment details:
Account name: IUTEPAY SHPK
Account: AL9120511258005738CLPRCLALLV
Amount: x
Details: Name and surname and NID
Money will arrive to your iute account within a working day
Want to Send Money instantly?
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