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Interview with Taulant Stërmasi: iute supports the Kamza Marathon


Another sports activity is added to the sports calendar in Albania. This is the “Kamza Marathon” which takes place with the support of jute and under the care of Taulant Stërmas.

Before the start of this marathon, we conducted an exclusive interview with Mr. Stërmasi.

Taulant, can you tell us more about the Kamza Marathon event?

Taulant Stërmasi: Absolutely, the Kamza Marathon is another sports promotion platform which is expected to enliven the life of the city of Kamza. The event is scheduled to take place on March 24, Sunday, starting at 9:00 AM. This event is of great importance as it marks the first marathon in Kamëz, contributing to the growth of sports within Albania. Participants can expect a challenging yet rewarding tour that promotes health, fitness, community engagement and the city of Kamza itself.

What does the Kamza Marathon mean for Albanian sports fans?

Taulant Stërmasi: The Kamza Marathon will be a proof of the growth and development of athletics within our country. For fans, it’s not just about enjoying the event; it’s about being part of a movement that promotes an active lifestyle and showcases the city of Kamza on a larger national stage. With the support of events like the Kamza Marathon, the Athletics Federation sees an increase in participation and interest in all sports disciplines, which is very promising for the future of Albanian sports.

Who will be part of this marathon?

Taulant Stërmasi: The Kamza Marathon is a comprehensive sports event that invites everyone to become part of this special experience. Citizens will have the opportunity to compete alongside elite athletes, but there will also be other amateur competitors or young people from high schools or 9-year schools. All people who are passionate about sports and athletics can become part of this marathon that takes place for the first time, by registering very simply and in a few seconds, in the link that has been distributed from the official pages of the “Kamza” event. Marathon 2024″.

What are the challenges of organizing a marathon?

Taulant Stërmasi: Organizing a marathon comes with a number of challenges, primarily logistical and financial. From securing permits and coordinating with local authorities to ensuring the safety of participants and spectators, there is a lot that goes into planning such an event. Additionally, funding the event can be a barrier, as marathons require significant resources to operate successfully. Here partners like iute play a crucial role. As one of the official sponsors of the Kamza Marathon, iute’s support goes beyond financial assistance; it demonstrates a commitment to promoting sport, physical health and mental wellbeing within our community. Their involvement as a general sponsor has relieved us of some burdens related to the organization of such events and contributes to the overall success of the marathon and the development of sports in Albania.

In conclusion, the Kamza Marathon is not only about running; it’s about fostering a culture of health, fitness and community engagement. With the support of partners like iute, events like these can continue to flourish, enriching the lives of Albanian sports enthusiasts and contributing to the growth of athletics in our country.

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